Under System Variables (the lower pane), select Path and click Edit.When the System Settings dialog opens, click the Environment Variables button.(next to Start) and type view advanced system settings. ("platform-tools" is the directory containing the adb executable.) Add /platform-tools to the end of the path you copied in the previous step.Copy the path to the SDK and paste it somewhere convenient, such as a text editor.Instead, at the Welcome to Android Studio prompt, click Configure > SDK Manager and provide the location to the Android SDK. If this is your first time opening Android Studio, there isn't an SDK Manager button. For example: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk The location to your Android SDK appears near the top next to Android SDK Location. Open Android Studio and click the SDK Manager button Get the path to your Android SDK platform-tools directory:
Install and Run the Debug APK to Test Your App.Install and Use the Amazon Web App Tester.
Cordova plugin for Amazon Catalog Integration. Send Recommendations that Include Amazon Enhancements. Implement VoiceView Accessibility Features. Step 6: Play Video Content with the PlaybackOverlayFragment. Step 5: Provide the Details of the App Content Through the DetailsFragment. Step 4: Edit the User Interface Through Presenters. Step 3: Browse the Content of a Leanback-Enabled Android App. Step 2: Understand the Anatomy of a Leanback-Enabled Android App for Amazon Fire TV. How to Build an Android App for Fire TV. Deep Linking to Featured Content from the Fire TV UI. Introduction to Linear Television Integration. AV Synchronization in Android Applications.
Voice-enabling Transport Controls with Media Session API. Overview for Voice-enabling Your App and Content. Developing for Amazon Fire TV Devices Running Fire OS 7. Developing for Amazon Fire TV Devices Running Fire OS 6. Fire TV Streaming Media Player Specifications. Submitting Your Fire TV App to the Appstore. Fire TV Development Versus Android TV Development. Fire App Builder: A Toolkit for Building Fire TV Apps.